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- In the 1851 Census living at Knowsley (District 5b), Lancs was Robert Atherton Head M 46 Farmer of 22 acres employing 5 Lab b. Simonswood Lancs, Elizabeth Atherton Wife M 42 Farmers Wife b. Kirby Lancs, Mary Atherton Dau Un 23 Farmers Dau b. Knoowsley, Thomas Atherton Son Un 22 Farmers Son b. Knowsley, Robert Atherton Son Un 20 Farmers Son b. Knowsley, Alice Atherton Dau 15 b. Knowsley, Elizabeth Atherton Dau 13 b. Knowsley, William Atherton Son 5 At home b. Knowsley, James Atherton Son 3 b. Knowsley, Joseph Atherton son 3m b. Knowsley. Also at home was James Shacklady Brother in Law (? - deleted info - Relation) U 37 Farm Lab b. Liverpool Lancs. [James Shacklady married Rachel Atherton on 5 Mar 1821 in Kirkby, Lancs].In the 1861 Census living at Ratchie Nook, Knowsley, Lancs was Robert Atherton Head M 55 Farmer 22 acres employing 2 men b. walton Lancs, Elizabeth Atherton Wife M 52 b. Sefton, Lancs, Elizabeth Athertonb Dau Unm 23 General Servant b. Knowsley, William Atherton Son 15 General Servant b. Knowsley, James Atherton Son 13 b. Knowsley, Joseph Atherton Son 9 b. Knowsley. Also at home was John Prescott Serv Unm 21 Cowman b. Knowsley.In the 1871 Census (shown as Atterton) living at Redshaw Lane, Knowsley, Lancs was Robert Atherton Head M 66 Farmer of 22 acres b. Simonswood Lancs, Elizabeth Atherton Wife M 63 Farmers Wife b. Kirkby Lancs, Elizabeth Atherton Dau Unm 33 Farmers Dau b. Knowsley, James Atherton Son Unm 23 Farmers Son b. Knowsley, Joseph Atherton Son Unm 19 Farmers son b. Knowsley.In the 1881 Census living at Cathail Lane, Kirkby, Lancs was James Atherton Head M 33 Agricultural Labourer b. Knowsley Lancs, Elizabeth Atherton Wife M 25 Dressmaker b. Kirkby, Alice Atherton Dau 5 b. Kirkby.In the 1891 Census living at Ribblers Lane, Kirkby, Lancs was James Atherton Head M 43 Agricultural Labourer b. Knowsley Lancs, Elizabeth Atherton Wife M 35 Dressmaker b. Kirkby, Alice Atherton Dau 15 Dressmakers Apprentice b. Kirkby, Beatrice Atherton Dau 1 b. Kirkby. At same address were James Shacklady Head M 70 Gardner, his wife Alice Shacklady 62 and Dau Margaret Shacklady S 38. (Parents & sibling of Elizabeth?).In the 1901 Census living at Ribblers Lane, Kirkby, Lancs was James Atherton Head M 53 Ordinary Agricultural Labourer b. Knowsley Lancs, Elizabeth Atherton Wife M 44 Dressmaker b. Kirkby, Alice Atherton S 25 Dressmaker b. Kirkby, Robert Atherton Son 15 Railway Clerk b. Kirkby, Beatrice Atherton Dau 11 b. Kirkby, Margaret Atherton (Shacklady?) Sister in Law S 47 General Domestic b. Kirkby.In the 1911 Census living at The Lodge, Ribblers Lane, Kirkby, Lancs was James Atherton Head M 63 Farm Labourer b. Knowsley Lanc, Elizabeth Atherton Wife M (36 years) 55 (4 Ch b. alive, 3 still living, 1 died) b. Kirkby, Robert Atherton Son S 25 Railway clerk Passenger Depot b. Kirkby, Beatrice Atherton Dau S 21 Assistant Dressmaker b. Kirkby.