Notes |
- 1860 US Census:
First name(s) Last name Gender Age Birth year Birth place
Ransom Atherton Male 48 b. 1812 NY, Day Labourer
Mary Atherton Female 33 1827 NY
Wells Atherton Male 10 1850 NY
James Atherton Male 7 1853 NY
Event Place Hornellsville, Steuben, New York
1900 US Census:
J M Atherton Self Married Male 47 b.1853 New York
Occupation Railroad Bridge Inspector
Father born Vermont Mother born New York
Isabelle Atherton Wife Married Female 34 b.1866 Scotland
John Gogerty Boarder M 24 b. Kansas
Event Place Anacortes, Skagit, Washington
1901 Seattle Telephone Directory:
James M Atherton, Bridge Carp, res 214 Virginia.
1904 Seattle Telephone Directory:
James M Atherton, Carp, P C Co, r 107 Main.
1905 Seattle Telephone Directory:
James Atherton, Bridge Carp, r 107 W. Main.
*Note: Possible match for 1910 US Census:
(Status is Single; could it be widowed? / Year of birth is wrong / Middle initial is wrong / Profession matches correctly / Parents' birthplace matches correctly)
First name Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year
James Mcintosh Self Married Male 31 1879
Jeanette N Mcintosh Wife Married Female 30 1880
Christopher M Mcintosh Son - Male 3 1907
John W James - Single Male 39 1871
Arthur Manning - Single Male 37 1873
James F Atherton - Single Male 31 1879 Born Minnesota
Father born New York Mother born New York
Occupation Carpenter, spays work?
Event Place Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
1914 Seattle Telephone Directory:
J M Atherton, Carp, r 1115 1/2 1st Av.
1917 Seattle Telephone Directory:
J M Atherton, r 1107 5th Av.
1918 Seattle Telephone Directory:
J M Atherton, Carp, r 1315 6th Av.
1919 Seattle Telephone Directory:
Jas M Atherton, Bridgeman, r 1532 1st Av.
1920 Seattle Telephone Directory:
Jas M Atherton, r 1218 Madison.
1920 US Census:
First name Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Birth place
George Harwood Self Married Male 61 1859 Missouri
Elizabeth Harwood Wife Married Female 52 1868 Utah
Hugh Harwood Son Single Male 20 1900 Montana
William Taylor - Single Male 44 1876 Scotland
James Atherton - Widowed Male 66 1854 New York
Occupation Bridge Foreman, Railroad
Father born New York Mother born Pennsylvania
John Carney - Single Male 60 1860 Massachusetts
Helen Tahey - Single Female 18 1902 Washington
Martin Olson - Single Male 28 1892 Sweden
George Conel - Single Male 40 1880 Scotland
Minnie Tahey - Divorced Female 38 1882 Washington
Event Place King, Washington