Notes |
- 1900 United States Federal Census
Name William Atherton
Age 40
Birth Date May 1860
Birthplace Indiana
Home in 1900 Sugar Creek, Hancock, Indiana
Race White
Gender Male
Relation to Head of House Head
Marital Status Married
Spouse's Name Mary D Atherton
Marriage Year 1890
Years Married 10
Father's Birthplace Ohio
Mother's Birthplace Ohio
Household Members
Name Age
William Atherton 40 [Teacher]
Mary D Atherton 28 [Wife M 10 yrs 3 ch b. alive and living b. Indiana (as was Father, Mother b. Ohio)]
Russell Atherton 8 [Son b. Indiana (as were parents)]
Albert Atherton 6 [Son b. Indiana (as were parents)]
Thomas Atherton 2 [Son b. Indiana (as were parents)]
1910 United States Federal Census
Name William C Atherton
Age in 1910 49
Birth Year abt 1861
Birthplace Indiana
Home in 1910 Buck Creek, Hancock, Indiana
Race White
Gender Male
Relation to Head of House Head
Marital Status Married
Spouse's Name Mary Atherton
Father's Birthplace Indiana
Mother's Birthplace Indiana
Native Tongue English
Occupation Farmer
Industry Gen Farm
Employer, Employee or Other Own Account
Home Owned or Rented Own
Home Free or Mortgaged Free
Farm or House Farm
Able to read Yes
Able to Write Yes
Years Married 19
Household Members
Name Age
William C Atherton 49
Mary Atherton 38 [Wife M 19 yrs 6 ch b. alive and living b. Indiana (as was Father, Mother b. Ohio)]
Russell Atherton 18 [Son S Farm Hand b. Indiana (as were parents)]
Albert Atherton 16 [Son S Chores b. Indiana (as were parents)]
Thomas Atherton 12 [Son b. Indiana (as were parents)]
Elinor Atherton 7 [Dau b. Indiana (as were parents)]
Mary Atherton 5 [Dau b. Indiana (as were parents)]
Hanly Atherton 1 [Son b. Indiana (as were parents)]
Russell Atherton
United States World War I Draft Registration Cards
Name Russell Atherton
Event Type Draft Registration
Event Date 1917-1918
Event Place Hacock County, Indiana, United States
Gender Male
Nationality United States
Birth Date 16 Jan 1892
Birthplace Hancock, Indiana, United States
1930 United States Federal Census
Name Russell Atherton
Age in 1930 38
Birth Year abt 1892
Gender Male
Race White
Birthplace Indiana
Marital Status Married
Relation to Head of House Head
Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut
Street Address Frost Road
Ward of City 5 part of
House Number in Cities or Towns 1761
Dwelling Number 125
Family Number 145
Home Owned or Rented Rented
Home Value 50
Radio Set Yes
Lives on Farm No
Age at First Marriage 26
Attended School No
Able to Read and Write Yes
Father's Birthplace Indiana
Mother's Birthplace Indiana
Able to Speak English Yes
Occupation M
Class of Worker Wage or salary worker
Employment Yes
Veteran Yes
War WW
Household Members
Name Age
Russell Atherton 38
Cornelia Atherton 41
John Atherton 10
Dorothy Atherton 8
Philip Atherton 5
Elizabeth Atherton 1