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- Ernest Albert Atherton was born on March 22, 1879, at `Emerald End` Station where his earlier education was conducted. He later attended the Cairns State School, at which he studied until reaching the age of seventeen, when he became emloyed in pastoral work at `Emerald End`.
Subsequently, during the period that his brother was similarly engaged at Mungana, he followed butchering at Chillagoe, where he conducted a business for Mr. William Atherton for six years. When O.K. sprung into existence as the centre for whaat was for a time a prolific copperfield, he opened a store there, which he ran in person for four years, finally selling out to open up at Cloncurry. Finding the prospects of that district not up to expectations, he returned to the Tableland and established himself at Alma-den, where he suffered a severe reverse owing to the destruction of his premises by fire. His enterprise at Alma-den being thus terminated he proceeded to
Mareeba, where he made a fresh start in the butchering trade, carrying on a business here for the period of about six years preceding his association with Mr. J. G. Atherton in the purchase of the important concern which now engages the energieies of both partners, who were also interested in sugar production for a short time. Mr E.A. Atherton is prominent in various phases of public activity, being the present chairman of the Woothakata Shire and a former holder of that office on the council of the Barron Shire, during the five years immediately preceding its amalgamation with the Woothakata body. He was one of the committee of the Northern Patriotic Council, a body which during and since the War achieved apendid results for the benefit of returned soldiers and their dependents. The brothers are supporters of the Northern Country Party.
Mr E.A. Atherton is a committeeman of the Cairns Jockey Club, and both he and Mr. J.G. Atherton are among the valued patrons of the sport in Cairns and its district. The former is a member of the Cairns Harbour Board and on the committee of the Cairns Pastoral and Agricultural Society.
In the year 1912 he married Honoria, daughter of Mr. H.M. Svendsen, a native of Denmark and a pioneer of the Cairns district, in which he has resided for about forty years. Of the union there is a family of two sons, Ernest Canning and Henry Marinius.
Ernest Albert Atherton was elected to the Queensland Parliament as a Member of the Legislative Assembly (M.L.A.) as the member for Chillagoe from 11 May 1929 till defeated on 10 June 1932. He served as the Minister for Mines from 21 May 1929 to 17 June 1932